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Mak Molirithiruth is a recent graduate of the American University of Phnom Penh (AUPP) with a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture. He has professional experience working on a variety of projects, from residential to office and recreational to a 38-story A-grade building with Marriott.


During his studies, he started as an intern at BLOOM Architecture and was later promoted to Junior Architect. He led a team that won first prize in the FAO Cambodia rooftop and cafeteria competition. He continued to lead the team as they worked with FAO Cambodia of the United Nations to get the design constructed.

As an aspiring and passionate architecture graduate, he is determined to explore architecture as a form of knowledge that interacts with our surroundings, society, culture, and context. Mak looks forward to embracing new approaches, exploring different contexts, and searching for stories and meanings when creating architectural spaces that evoke emotions, create experiences, and long for memories.

Mak Molirithiruth’s approach to architecture is fluid; where it is not about a particular style, movement or a set of solutions but allow architectural expression to emerge from the context, surroundings and space.

 © Mak Molirithiruth, 2023
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